Sports InjuriesLet's take the weekend athlete, or for that matter, anyone who enjoys exercising. Injuries happen, pure and simple. While they can be minimized, they cannot be totally avoided. If a person participates enough in any physical activity, eventually that person will get hurt to some degree. The way in which one treats his injuries determines how fast one recovers and how quickly one can get back to the activity he enjoys.
Athletes may ask themselves why they get injured? They stretch out, and feel like they are in pretty good shape. So, why? Usually there is a very simple formula. In most cases, we play too hard, too long, or too fast. In the case of household duties such as spring cleaning, do any of us warm up before carrying those boxes into the crawl space or attic? This may not seem like a sports injury, but in fact, overuse syndromes or playing full speed before we are really warmed up are the major causes of sports injuries. Simple household chores, while done cold, can mimic a sports injury to some extent. If an athlete gets hurt, what can be done to get him back on the field? Rest is usually a good thing, but by itself, can take a very long time. Chiropractic offers a balanced approach to the treatment and the healing of sports injuries. By using the chiropractic adjustment to return spinal segments to their normal mobility and by using physical therapy to help the supportive tissues (muscles, tendons, & ligaments), we help the injured areas return to normal function. Combined with some rest to help the healing process, athletes will find their way back into action. Afterward, better strategies for exercise and stretching will be discussed with the athlete to help him stay on the straight and narrow path to better enjoyment of his chosen sport. Many professional athletes are utilizing chiropractic care more and more because they realize that it helps them maximize athletic performance. Sean Atkins, PhD is quoted as saying "I would estimate that in excess of 90% of all world class athletes use chiropractic care to prevent injuries and increase their performance potential." |